Smith & Wesson

AIRGUN Smith&Wesson MP

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BGN 139.00
  • Марка: Smith & Wesson

    В нашия магазин с марката Smith&Wesson ще намерите висококачествени револвери и пистолети, карабини и пушки. Голяма гама от оригинални тактически ножове Smith & Wesson, ловни ножове, ножове за всекидневна употреба и аксесоари. Американската оръжейна фирма „Смит и Уесън” Smith & Wesson не се нуждае от представяне, тъй като повече от век и половина нейните револвери и пистолети шестват по света. "Смит и Уесън" е световен лидер в производството на късо огнестрелно оръжие.

SKU: 5.8093 (520081) Black


Model - Smith & Wesson MP
Caliber - 4,5 mm (.177)
Capacity - 19 shot BB type
Barrel length - 108 mm
Mushka - fixed white point
Sight - fixed phosphorescent
Handle - Ergonomic
Cover - Black
Overall length - 190 mm
Material - Frame of synthetics and metal parts from steel and alloys Weight (empty) - 681 g
Operation of the trigger - double action
Principle of operation - CO2 capsule

The "Smith and Wesson MP" (Smith & Wesson MP) is designed for training and recreational shooting. It is a replica of the guns' n Military Police "(MoU). The characteristic feature is the rail in front at the bottom of the frame, which can be placed various accessories. The capsule is placed in the handle and it can produce up to 60 shots. It is equipped with a mechanical safety fuse to prevent unwanted shot located on the right side above the trigger. Available in a version with frame in brown, whose characteristics are identical. The cartridge is placed in the handle.


More Information
Brand Smith&Wesson
Caliber 4.5mm(.177")
Magnification 1.25-4x
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