Diamond Fine Grit Folding Sharpening Paddle LDFPF Lansky

These handy sharpeners feature a generous 3.5" x 0.75" paddle with full diamond grit surface for fast, easy sharpening of the hardest steels. When not in use, it folds into the comfort-grip, non-slip handles for easy storage.

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BGN 40.00
  • Марка: Lansky Лански точила и заточващи инструменти, заточващи камъни

The Lansky Fine Grit Folding Diamond Sharpening paddle is a handy knife sharpener that features a generous .75 in. x 3.5 in. paddle with full diamond grit surface for fast, easy sharpening of the hardest steels. The Lansky LDFPF Knife Sharpener folds into the comfort grip non slip color coded handle for easy storage when not in use. Available in other grits as well for a perfect blade anytime you need it. Order Lansky Knife Sharpening Paddles online.

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Brand Lansky
Appearance_guns Diamond
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