North American Arms

Revolver NAA-SWC-250 cal. 22 Mag Conv 2 1/2"

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BGN 1,939.00
  • Марка: North American Arms

    North American Arms са уникални мини огнестрелни оръжия! С North American Arms можете да изпитате спокойствието, което идва с притежаването на огнестрелно оръжие, което е едновременно удобно за носене и готово за работа, когато имате нужда от него.

The "Sidlewinder” features an U.S.The original line of NAA®-designed birds-head gripped, 5-shot single-action revolvers is the most successful family of mini-revolvers ever manufactured. Highlighted by the ultra-small .22S, each of these is the smallest functioning revolver of its caliber in production, allowing for maximum concealability. Frequently characterized as “watch-like” to describe the precision in engineering and manufacturing as well as the quality of craftsmanship, NAA® mini-revolvers address a wide variety of markets and applications. Each can be tailored to meet your particular needs, tastes and interests with a wide selection of grips, holsters, sights and novel carry options. NAA® firearms are designed for people who respect the adage “it’s better to have a small gun on your person than a large gun at home/in the car/etc”.

Caliber: 22LR|22M
Finish: Stainless Steel
Action: Single Action
Capacity: 5
Barrel Length: 2.5
Overall Length: 6.0
Weight: 7.7 oz.
Saftey: Safety-Notched Cylinder
Receiver: Stainless Steel
Sights: Front Bead
Stock: Rosewood Boot Grips
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Марка North American Arms
Caliber .22 WMR
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